God Save Your Weekend!

weekend_fly · 11 Sep 2024 · 1 min

Hey Weekend Flyers,

We hope you’re enjoying the summer skies! We’re thrilled to share some exciting updates and a special shout-out to our community.

🇬🇧 Welcome to the UK!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve extended our coverage to include UK airports, adding over 1,000 new destinations to Weekend Fly! Whether you’re planning a trip to the scenic Scottish Highlands or the bustling city of London, you now have even more options to explore.

🛬️ Bug Fix: Closed Runways

We’ve addressed an important issue where closed runways were not being properly marked as closed. This fix ensures that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information for safe and enjoyable flights.

🌟 A Big Thank You for Your Feedback!

We want to extend a special thanks to all of you for the valuable feedback you provide. Whether it's sharing improvement ideas, reporting bugs, or providing useful information like the recent UK-specific details, your contributions are invaluable. These improvements will be continuously integrated into Weekend Fly, making our platform even more comprehensive and useful for our pilot community.

📢 Calling All UK Pilots!

We invite all UK pilots to contribute to our growing community. Share events, update fuel station information, rate and review airports—your insights are crucial in making Weekend Fly the go-to resource for general aviation pilots.

Stay Tuned for More!

We have more exciting features and updates in the pipeline, so stay tuned! Your feedback and support are invaluable to us. Keep flying high and safe!

UKAirports BugFix NewFeatures Feedback